As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
~ Proverbs 27:17 ~
At Central, we offer a variety of small groups, Sunday School classes, support groups, and classes to help you receive the care you need, grow deeper in your faith and understanding of the Bible, serve together, and find community. These are places where life transformation happens and we want you to be a part of it!
Sunday School Classes
Sunday School Classes are held Sundays 8:45 – 9:45am
Here is a listing of current Sunday School Classes at Central UMC:

Sunday School
New Aldersgate
Young adults and young parents who meet each week to pray and learn together.
Contact: Sterling DeRusso,
Jaime Goodman,
Phillip Stephenson
Location: Room 403 (top floor)
Contact: Sterling DeRusso,
Jaime Goodman,
Phillip Stephenson
Location: Room 403 (top floor)
Discovery Class
For a wide variety of ages, discovering Jesus and sharing Him through lecture and discussion by the members.
Contact: Susan Snell
Location: Room 220 (Same level as the Fellowship Hall)
Contact: Susan Snell
Location: Room 220 (Same level as the Fellowship Hall)
Faith Discernment
A wide range of ages and stages that study Scripture and make it relevant to daily life through study, discussion, and prayer.
Contact: Jim Kuse
Location: Room 219 (Same level as the Fellowship Hall)
Contact: Jim Kuse
Location: Room 219 (Same level as the Fellowship Hall)
Growing in Faith Through Service (GIFTS):
We’re a lively and curious group that loves meaningful discussions! Our studies are often based on a book and are led by group members. We’d love for you to join us on Sunday mornings. Outside of class, we stay active by supporting our community through involvement with Battery Park and Black Mountain Home for Children.
Contact: Carol Rychly or Mary Ann Wansong
Location: The Parlor (near the Sanctuary)
Contact: Carol Rychly or Mary Ann Wansong
Location: The Parlor (near the Sanctuary)
New Morning Class
The New Morning Class is a longstanding group that focuses on scripturally based books, primarily designed for Sunday School classes. While most members are in their 50s to 70s, all are welcome to join. We meet on the first floor of the church’s Education Wing and rotate Sunday School teachers to give everyone interested the opportunity to teach.
Contacts: Randy and Kris Booker, John Pierce, or Dianna Pierce.
Location: Room 205 (Same level as the Fellowship Hall)
Contacts: Randy and Kris Booker, John Pierce, or Dianna Pierce.
Location: Room 205 (Same level as the Fellowship Hall)
Inquirers Class
A large, vibrant class for mostly retirement-age adults who want to study topical Christian issues and are looking to enrich their lives. Zoom attendance is available.
Contact: Dale Gulick
Location: Room 206 (Same level as the Fellowship Hall)
Contact: Dale Gulick
Location: Room 206 (Same level as the Fellowship Hall)
Serendipity Class
Discussion format with sessions led by class members/outside speakers. Topics vary from matters of faith, contemporary issues, and bible study led by a seminary graduate. Class has provided financial support to local charities.
Contact: Dave Couch or Patty Couch
Location: Conference Room (in the Offices)
Contact: Dave Couch or Patty Couch
Location: Conference Room (in the Offices)
Newcomers Class
Newcomer classes are held quarterly to help people learn more about Central UMC and our Methodist tradition. The class will meet at 9:00 am in the Welcome Center/Library. There will be coffee and pastries and this is a great way to meet our ministers, staff and other newcomers to our church. This class is open to newcomers to Central, new members, and longtime members of Central.
For more information, contact Pastor Mary Brown.
For more information, contact Pastor Mary Brown.
The NEST Sunday School is a class for adult women of all ages which meets in the Byrd Room (behind the sanctuary). The class is a Biblically-based discussion class on a wide variety of books and Bible studies chosen by the women in the class. For more information, contact Lisa Pettus.
Contact: Lisa Pettus
Location: The Byrd (behind the Sanctuary)
Contact: Lisa Pettus
Location: The Byrd (behind the Sanctuary)
Children & Youth Classes
More information is available on the Children and Youth Ministry pages.
Children's Ministry
Youth Ministry
Children's Ministry
Youth Ministry
Journey Groups
What is a Journey Group?
A group of six to ten people sharing a Christ-centered discipleship journey. The group meets regularly to foster spiritual growth, a sense of belonging, and to equip themselves for life and ministry.
What are the core elements of Journey Groups?
Christ-Centered Study – Relationship Building – Prayer – Outreach & Service
Who should participate in Journey Groups?
All who desire to grow in faith and find strength for daily living.
Why do we need Journey Groups?
In the midst of busy lives, overcommitted schedules, and congested areas, it is too easy to feel alone.
What can we expect to get out of a Journey Group?
Discover God’s purpose for our lives
Belong to God and the body of Christ
Grow in Christ
Experience the joy of Christian fellowship
In essence we are “doing life” together with others on a faith journey.
A group of six to ten people sharing a Christ-centered discipleship journey. The group meets regularly to foster spiritual growth, a sense of belonging, and to equip themselves for life and ministry.
What are the core elements of Journey Groups?
Christ-Centered Study – Relationship Building – Prayer – Outreach & Service
Who should participate in Journey Groups?
All who desire to grow in faith and find strength for daily living.
Why do we need Journey Groups?
In the midst of busy lives, overcommitted schedules, and congested areas, it is too easy to feel alone.
What can we expect to get out of a Journey Group?
Discover God’s purpose for our lives
Belong to God and the body of Christ
Grow in Christ
Experience the joy of Christian fellowship
In essence we are “doing life” together with others on a faith journey.

Walk to Emmaus
The walk to Emmaus is an experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation that begins with a three-day short course in Christianity. It is an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ in a new way as God’s grace and love is revealed to you through other believers.