
Congregational Care Council

Our Mission:
We are a Body of Christ in love and support for all persons in our congregation.
Our Core Values:
Intentional, Compassionate, Insightful, Respectful, Connective, Dedicated, Unconditional
Our Purpose/Vision:
Together we wrap our arms around someone in need by connecting them to our supportive ministries until they are stable.

We will be glad to give you more detailed information regarding our ministries.
Cindy Oak, Chairperson
Lisa Rettew, Minister of Congregational Care

Congregational Care Ministries

Bereavement Ministry
Offers a reception for families and friends following a funeral at Central UMC. Upon the death of a loved one, a family can make these arrangements with a pastor through the church office. For more information contact Mary Margaret Ingle.
Child & Family Care Ministry
Provides a caring umbrella of love for families with teens and children experiencing a crisis or difficult life challenge. If your family is in need of support or you know of a family in our church for whom we can provide appropriate support, please contact Cameron Smith.
Circle of Prayer
We invite you to share your prayer requests with us, whether for yourself or for those you care about. You can submit your request online using this online Prayer Request Form or by filling out a paper Prayer Request Form found in the Sanctuary pew pockets. Pastor Lisa Rettew includes these requests on our prayer list for the Prayer Team and pastors to pray over during their weekly meetings. Your requests remain confidential.
Homebound Ministry
Whether you are at home but not able to get out and about or in a Care Facility, we want to visit with you on a regular basis! You or a family member can contact Kim Everette to make these arrangements.

We want to keep you connected to the worship life of Central United Methodist Church! Bulletins are sent each week to those individuals who are unable to attend worship. Usually those arrive in the mail Saturday, and if you are able to watch online, you can participate. If you would like to receive a bulletin in the mail or by email, please contact Jan Griffin (828) 253-3316, ext. 310.
Pastoral Care
Our pastoral care begins with prayer. Visits and phone calls for those facing surgery, in the hospital, or homebound can occur once pastors are notified. We can share the gift of Holy Communion as well.

We minister with grieving families, providing help and guidance with funeral planning. All pastoral support is confidential. For more information, please click here.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is part of an international movement that provides the message of God’s love and grace through Prayer Shawls, to recipients in need of comfort and support.

Homemade shawls are given to those going through a difficult time in their life such as illness, treatment, or death of a family member or friend. The shawl is a tangible symbol of God’s love and comfort, a reminder that many prayers are being said for that person. Blankets are also made for new babies in our church. If you know of a person in need of a shawl or baby blanket, please contact Pastor Lisa Rettew, Pat Page or Paula Boyles.

The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets once a month at our church to pray and to knit for those who have a need from our ministry.
  • If you would like to join this ministry, but don’t know how to knit or crochet, our group will gladly help you get started!
  • If you would like to donate a handmade shawl or gift card to purchase yarn, please contact Pat Page and Paula Boyles .
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13, New International Version)
Recovery Care
RCR is a ministry of “CONNECTION”…helping individuals retain their independence with the support of community agencies within their homes.

What would you do if you were returning home after a hospitalization or recovery in a medical rehab facility (CarePartners, Givens Health Center, Aston Park Health Center, etc.) and found yourself without local family or neighbors to help meet your activities of daily living…such as help with bathing, grocery shopping, light housekeeping, or transportation to medical appointments?

Your connection with the Recovery Care Resources Ministry starts when our Congregational Care Pastor, Lisa Rettew, learns about your situation before you return home from the hospital or health center. You can contact Pastor Lisa by clicking here. We're here to support you every step of the way!

A respectful, thoughtful, and trained volunteer would follow your wishes to call you first and if agreed upon, come to your home to speak with confidentiality about your needs and begin to assist in CONNECTING you with resources to match your needs best. While you recover at home, the volunteer will follow your progress with phone calls or brief visits for up to six weeks that you and your volunteer together will have determined.

Your Central family can be there to help you through this often difficult or ‘tough-to-navigate’ process of recovery! If you have more questions you can contact Scott Abernethy.
Stephen Ministry
A lay ministry that provides a trained Stephen Minister for one-on-one support for those going through a difficult time. Relationships are confidential and nonjudgemental. If you would like to have a Stephen Minister or would like to refer someone for a Stephen Minister, please contact Pastor Lisa Rettew. For more information, click here.


 A vetted list of wellness resources available in Buncombe County.
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