Reconciling Ministries Network

is committed to intersectional justice across and beyond the United Methodist connection, working for the full participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of the Church.


Reconciling Ministries Network celebrates that LGBTQ+ persons are a good expression of God’s diverse creation and exists to advocate for the affirmation of all of God’s children in the Church and the world.


Reconciling Ministries Network is committed to intersectional justice across and beyond the United Methodist connection, working for the full participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of the Church.


Reconciling Ministries Network envisions a transformed Church that ensures justice, equity, and dignity for all of God’s children in their diverse intersecting identities.

If you would like to connect with the Reconciling Ministries group of Central UMC, contact Mary Z.

What we are up to...

RMN Update October 2024
Evidence of Central’s Leadership:
Providing sponsorship for the first time, the Blue Ridge District United Methodist Church banner led a high-spirited crowd varied kids in strollers to senior adults from eight area churches to enter Pack Square Park for this year’s Blue Ridge Pride Festival, September 21. Such a scene was the vision of the Reconciling Ministry Group in 2023. Thanks to the district staff for such support. CUMC-RMG led the procession for the UMC from it beginning, three prior years, and more than a decade hosting a festival booth on behalf of United Methodists.

During RMG’s brainstorming fall workshop for 2024 service programing, an idea emerged to organize a first time Pride Festival related worship service. Pastor Caroline Camp offered to lead that. Subsequently, Central hosted and co-sponsored the worship and fellowship event with seven other United Methodist Churches. LGBTQ+ clergy and laity led the liturgy after Pastor Mary Brown and District Superintendent Mark Ralls welcomed all to the inclusive event. Considered a success, fifty-seven persons attended bringing a palatable celebratory mood with colorful accessories and spirit that included Holy Communion. A similar event is anticipated for next year’s Pride Festival weekend. Thank you, CUMC, as the host facility with staff’s support.

RMG Will be There Too
When Central’s fall Ministry Fair arrives, look for RMG’s table. We continue to support Central’s Kenyan partner, First Moheto UMC, to advance high school age girls by fund-raising scholarships. Also there, at its display table, RMG chats with church members and visitors about their concerns, issues and actions supporting LGBTQA+/Queer persons in church and society.

What’s ahead? Input requested
The RMG now plans for 2025 service to our congregation and beyond. As financial support makes possible, more “firsts” or program repeats are possible. Reader, what would you like to see happen, or what will enrich CUMC’s ministries? Share your ideas with RMG: contact Mary Z. Longknight at
Three Times Hints a Trend
Positive responses to the Reconciling Ministry Group’s canopied display at the Western North Carolina UMC Annual Conference raised more than $500. That amount produced RMG’s continuing success. Monetary donations support Central’s partnership with Kenya’s Moheto United Methodist Church to underwrite High School scholarships for girls. The amount is about half of one scholarship for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Rev. Kennedy Mwita, Moheto’s pastor, delivered beautiful African yardage following UMC’s General Conference. They were eye-catching to booth visitors. Multiple small low-cost items also drew donations. Central volunteers staffed the three-day booth and educated about the Reconciling Ministry Network that advocates LGBTQA+ inclusion everywhere. Thanks to Maggie and Gene Charleton, Donna Anderson, Sharon Le Duc, Marcia and Mary Z. Longknight.
RMN Update August 2024
Read to Better Understand
Give A Little Piece of Your Heart. Have you seen it? This brochure in purple, gold and pink, should be read. Pictures and notes of the ten girls boarding at the high school to become graduates are from the Moheto UMC. Their focused dreams go beyond graduation and their village’s economic poverty.

Central makes secondary education possible for these young women to make positive changes for their family, community, and even nation. Claudia wants to study law and become the second woman Chief Justice of Kenya! Without Central’s help a law degree isn’t attainable. In Merceline’s letter: “You have made this world a better place to live in since the day I joined high school. You are angels given to me by God.” Let’s support youths’ life-changing visions to bring their potential into reality! Pick up a brochure from display racks around the church.
Blue Ridge Gay Pride Festival Returns
Central returns to the Blue Ridge Pride Festival Saturday, September 21, at Asheville’s downtown Pack Square Park.
First appearing at this Festival in 2011, Central hosts a canopied welcoming booth. Volunteers share conversations with festival goers. Humanity’s diversity in wide-ranging colors, sights, foods, and friendly fun for all ages is there. Last year four United Methodist churches joined the Festival for the first-time. Central was a leading model for their participation.

The Festival draws increasing attendance yearly. It opens at 10:00AM with a procession of community groups’ arrival, including Central, from a half-mile walk along Patton Avenue to Pack Square. It closes a 7:00PM.

RMG’s witness at the Festival has been supported by the Outreach Committee for evangelism over several years. Central’s phrase, “Everyone without exception,” expresses God’s love for every person unconditionally and all are welcome to our congregation.

Volunteers are needed to join the procession and to share a one to two-hour shift through the day, 9:00AM to 5:00PM. All interested in either are encouraged to contact a pastoral staff member for information or RMG contact, Mary Z. Longknight,