
Sunday Mornings

8:45 am - Sunday School
For all ages

10:00 am - Worship Service

Central United Methodist Church is a family of faith that is passionate in its commitment to children and families.  We seek to walk with each person through all ages and stages of life, striving daily to love and live as Jesus did through thought, word, and love of neighbor.

At Central our goal is to provide children with a safe space to grow in their understanding of God, tools to help children in their spiritual journey, and community with other children, youth, and adults. 


0-5 yrs

Nursery is available during 8:45 am Sunday School and 10:00 am worship service.

Central United Methodist Church is a family of faith that is passionate in its commitment to children and families. We seek to walk with each person through all ages and stages of life, striving daily to love and live as Jesus did through thought, word, and love of neighbor.

At Central our goal is to provide children with a safe space to grow in their understanding of God, tools to help children in their spiritual journey, and community with other children, youth, and adults.

The CUMC nursery is a bright, clean, and inviting space located on the first floor of the church. We are now fully staffed with five qualified, caring, and experienced personnel. We have also made recent updates to improve security measures for our nursery-aged children. 
Getting Connected…
There are several ways for children and families to connect with others at Central United Methodist. On this page you will find some of them.

For more information, contact Rev. Ann H. Owens,  Children & Family Minister .

To stay up to date on all events for children & youth ministry, access the calendar by clicking here.


PreK – 5th Grade

Sunday School

Sunday Mornings 8:45—9:45 am 
before 10:00 am Worship
Room 301
Equipping children with the tools for a strong relationship with God through interactive Biblical lessons and spiritual practices. Each week we experience community with other children while participating in service projects, learning through wonder, and playing together.

At Central, we use Godly Play to immerse ourselves in the experience of Bible stories and Christian Education. Our Sunday School lessons are on a 3-year rotation. Experiencing ideas and stories multiple times creates opportunities to obtain new insights and allows children to grow with the stories. Our dedicated Sunday school volunteers bring the lessons to life through imagination.

Children's Church

Following the Children’s Moment during the Sunday morning 10:00 am worship service.
There is no Children’s Church on Communion Sundays. Nursery is still available.
Children in Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to attend worship and then go to Children’s Church following the Children’s Moment.

We want to make sure that our time of worship is rich and meaningful. One of the ways in which we do that is to make the experience of Children’s Church a time of faith development that is age-appropriate within spaces that are child-friendly. Children’s Church is offered in the chapel, which is beside the sanctuary.

After Church Activities

A space for children, confirmation, and youth families to gather after church and fellowship.
Children's Christmas Musical | SUN, DEC 15, 11:15 AM
Join us for a wonderful event. After the performance we will have refreshments after and gifts for all children in attendance.

DEC 22, 2024 through JAN 5, 2025
We will resume JAN 12, 2025
  • 11:10 -11:45am – CHILDREN'S  ACTIVITY
  • 11:45am - 12:15pm – CHILDREN'S CHOIR
  • 11:10 -11:45am – YOUTH CHOIR
  • 11:45am - 12:15pm – YOUTH  ACTIVITY
During this time, parents/legal guardians are able to go out and enjoy time together – go on a date, get groceries, take a nap, etc.

Monthly Children's & Youth Events Calendar

Upcoming events
Youth & Children's Calendar
Adult Discipleship
Central. Serves.
Central. Haw Creek.
Central. Congregational Care.
Worship & Music
Creation Care

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.