Sunday Book Study

Welcome to this study!  Here at Central Haw Creek we seek to be an authentic avenue towards Intentional Christian Community.  This means that all of our gatherings are punctuated by a common form.  The word for this is liturgy.  Our gatherings all begin with this prayer said together:
Creator God, before we knew ourselves, we were known by you.  Draw us near to you.  Infuse our practice with your presence.  Strip away our preconceived notions and well-formed words, liberate us from the want to impress or master, awaken in us a posture of humble curiosity. May our Hearts and minds be open to the stirring of your Holy Spirit. Amen
We then move on to getting to know one another and care for one another on our journey of life.  We do this by considering the following questions:
  • In what ways did you experience or observe God’s presence over the last week? 
  • In what ways did you feel distant from God this past week?  
  • How would you like to grow in your relationship with God this next week? 

Next we discuss the assigned chapter and allow space for all voices to be heard, there are suggested questions that can help keep the conversation moving if we hit a lull.
And finally we again join our voices in prayer:
God you are present to us in many ways, by your Creation, your Son, and your comforting Holy Spirit.  The workings of your love are mysterious and yet so familiar.  We give you thanks that your love is bigger than our doubt.  As we continue to journey together give us your peace.  

We are so grateful you are joining us in study and in community!
Patrick Neitzey
Campus Pastor: Central Haw Creek
Office: (828)253-3316 ext.1306
Cell: (281)787-9616

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