
Our church has moved to a new kind of church record keeping solution called Realm®. It primarily serves the administrative needs of our staff, but it also offers some exciting opportunities to support the way you are involved in our church. Not only will this improve work life for our ministry staff, it will make it easier for our church family to connect with each other, keep up with what’s going on and grow as a connected community of believers.

Learn more about how to use Realm® below:

Logging into Realm®
Online Giving Through Realm® – Online giving is a convenient tool for anyone giving to Central United Methodist Church. All information is secure and encrypted to protect you and your information.

Managing Your Family’s Information In Realm® – Your profile contains all the information that church staff and others with appropriate permissions can view about you.

Realm® Groups – A good way to get more involved with our church is to find a group whose goals and interests match your own.

Your Privacy in Realm® – Privacy can be complicated, especially when you have so many different setting and types of users. Here are some facts about Realm privacy that can help.