Advent Day 7 – Hope – Children's Ministry

December 7, 2024 – Hope – Children's Ministry

Guiding Our Children in the Way of Christ

Luke 1:76-79

"And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare God’s ways, to give knowledge of salvation to God’s people by the forgiveness of their sins... to guide our feet into the way of peace." (Luke 1:76, 79)

Zechariah’s song speaks directly to his newborn son, John, foretelling the incredible role he will play in preparing the way for Jesus. John will help others see God’s salvation and lead them toward forgiveness and peace. This passage reminds us that even children are an essential part of God’s story.

In children’s ministry, we often witness the pure and transformative faith of the youngest members of our church family. They remind us of the joy, wonder, and openness we all need as we prepare to welcome Jesus into our hearts this Advent season.

This week, Pastor Ann talked to the kids about hope. We asked 3 of them, “what comes to mind when you think about hope?” Here is what they said:

“I think about God!” - Iris Mochrie (7 years old)

“Hope to be kind.” - Joey Hughes (5 years old)

“Hope lifts you up when you are sad.” - Parker Hughes (8 years old)

We hope their answers inspire all of us to seek hope in our everyday lives.

Zechariah’s words also challenge us. They ask us to consider how we, as adults, can guide children to understand their identity as beloved children of God and their role in sharing God’s light with the world. How can we nurture their faith so that they too grow to prepare the way for Jesus in their schools, neighborhoods, and families?

During Advent, we have a unique opportunity to focus on these teachings through storytelling, worship, and hands-on activities. Whether it’s a nativity play, crafting Advent wreaths, or sharing moments of prayer, every interaction in children’s ministry can be a step toward guiding little feet into the way of peace.

Today, parents and guardians will drop off their children at church for a morning of Christmas fun! We will play games, sing Christmas songs, make Advent crafts, and experience the Christmas story in dramatic fashion. Be in prayer for the children and the youth and adult volunteers today as they come together and get excited for the coming of Christmas!

God’s plan includes the youngest among us, just as it included John the Baptist as a child. Advent invites us to celebrate the role children play in spreading hope, peace, and love, while also recognizing our responsibility to prepare them for the journey.

Prayer: Loving God, you call each of us to be part of your story, no matter how young or small. Thank you for the children in our church and community, for their joy, curiosity, and faith. Thank you for the way the children teach us ways to be hopeful. Help us to guide them well, to nurture their hearts and minds with your love. May all of God’s children be reminded that we are called to share your peace on earth. As we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth, may we also prepare our children to walk in Jesus’ ways. Bless our children’s ministry leaders and volunteers. Grant them creativity, patience, and wisdom as they inspire young hearts to follow you. Amen.

Action: Support the children by attending our presentation of “Bethlehem’s Best” after worship (11:15 am) on December 15. If you would like to be more involved in other opportunities like teaching Sunday School, leading Children’s Church, or preparing for other special events, contact Pastor Ann!
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