Advent Day 10 – Peace – Creation Care
December 10, 2024 – Peace – Creation Care
Restoring the Earth in Peace
Psalm 126
"Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy. Those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves." (Psalm 126:5-6)
Psalm 126 is a song of restoration, celebrating God’s transformative work in bringing joy out of sorrow and hope out of despair. For the Israelites, this psalm reflected their return from exile—a time when God’s faithfulness turned mourning into dancing. As we reflect on this passage through the lens of creation care, it reminds us that the earth, too, longs for restoration.
The United Methodist Church affirms that caring for creation is a spiritual mandate (Book of Resolutions). From advocating for sustainable practices to planting trees and conserving resources, the Church’s work in creation care echoes the psalmist’s vision of sowing in hope. When we engage in efforts to heal the planet, we partner with God in restoring what has been damaged and broken.
Yet, this work is not without challenges. Like the psalm’s imagery of weeping while sowing, creation care often feels like laboring against the tide—addressing the harm of climate change, pollution, and deforestation can be overwhelming. But Advent reminds us that we labor with hope, trusting in the God who turns barren places into gardens.
During this season, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, we also anticipate the restoration of all creation. The seeds of care and action we plant today, even with tears, will one day yield a harvest of joy. Advent invites us to imagine a future where the earth rejoices alongside humanity, renewed and thriving under God’s care.
Prayer: Creator God, you have entrusted us with the care of your earth, a gift full of beauty, life, and abundance. We confess the ways we have neglected this sacred responsibility, and we ask for your guidance as we work to restore what has been broken. Bless the efforts of those in the United Methodist Church and beyond who labor for creation care. Strengthen their hands, renew their spirits, and remind them that their work is not in vain. As we wait this Advent, may we sow seeds of hope, trusting in your promise to restore all things. Let our care for creation reflect your love and inspire joy in generations to come. In the name of Christ, who makes all things new, we pray. Amen.
Action: This week, consider how you can care for creation in tangible ways such as reducing waste by using reusable bags and bottles, limiting your water usage, and buying locally grown food and sustainably made products. In this season of hope, may our efforts to care for creation be acts of faith, planting seeds for the joy that is to come. Do you want to join in our efforts for Creation Care? Contact Jan Imig, incoming 2025 chair.
Psalm 126
"Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy. Those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves." (Psalm 126:5-6)
Psalm 126 is a song of restoration, celebrating God’s transformative work in bringing joy out of sorrow and hope out of despair. For the Israelites, this psalm reflected their return from exile—a time when God’s faithfulness turned mourning into dancing. As we reflect on this passage through the lens of creation care, it reminds us that the earth, too, longs for restoration.
The United Methodist Church affirms that caring for creation is a spiritual mandate (Book of Resolutions). From advocating for sustainable practices to planting trees and conserving resources, the Church’s work in creation care echoes the psalmist’s vision of sowing in hope. When we engage in efforts to heal the planet, we partner with God in restoring what has been damaged and broken.
Yet, this work is not without challenges. Like the psalm’s imagery of weeping while sowing, creation care often feels like laboring against the tide—addressing the harm of climate change, pollution, and deforestation can be overwhelming. But Advent reminds us that we labor with hope, trusting in the God who turns barren places into gardens.
During this season, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, we also anticipate the restoration of all creation. The seeds of care and action we plant today, even with tears, will one day yield a harvest of joy. Advent invites us to imagine a future where the earth rejoices alongside humanity, renewed and thriving under God’s care.
Prayer: Creator God, you have entrusted us with the care of your earth, a gift full of beauty, life, and abundance. We confess the ways we have neglected this sacred responsibility, and we ask for your guidance as we work to restore what has been broken. Bless the efforts of those in the United Methodist Church and beyond who labor for creation care. Strengthen their hands, renew their spirits, and remind them that their work is not in vain. As we wait this Advent, may we sow seeds of hope, trusting in your promise to restore all things. Let our care for creation reflect your love and inspire joy in generations to come. In the name of Christ, who makes all things new, we pray. Amen.
Action: This week, consider how you can care for creation in tangible ways such as reducing waste by using reusable bags and bottles, limiting your water usage, and buying locally grown food and sustainably made products. In this season of hope, may our efforts to care for creation be acts of faith, planting seeds for the joy that is to come. Do you want to join in our efforts for Creation Care? Contact Jan Imig, incoming 2025 chair.
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