Advent Day 11 – Peace – Wilderness Trail

December 11, 2024 – Peace – Wilderness Trail

Finding God in the Wilderness
Luke 7:18-30
...Jesus began to speak to the crowd about John: What did you go out into the wilderness to see? (Luke 7:24)

John the Baptist, sitting in prison, sends his disciples to ask Jesus a profound question: Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another? Jesus’ response is equally profound, if not perplexing. He points to the evidence of God’s work, healing, restoration, and peace breaking into the world, while upending our expectations. When John’s disciples leave, Jesus turns to the crowd and asks the question: What did you go out into the wilderness to see? Did they expect someone weak, like a reed swaying by the wind, or did they go searching for something more?

For youth ministry at Central, when we retreat on Wilderness Trail every summer, this question carries significant weight. What do we expect to find when we step away from the comforts of daily life and into the vast wilderness of the Appalachian Mountains? Are we searching for beauty, adventure, and friendship – or all those things and something even deeper?
Wilderness Trail is more than just a time to hike and enjoy nature. It’s a journey into the unknown, where distractions fade, and space opens to encounter God in new ways. It is the rain hitting your tent at night, the crunch of rock under your boots, or the crackle of the fire underneath dinner conversation that settles our bodies into a more peaceful relationship with God.  

Eleanor Brown (9th grade) said that one of the most peaceful things about being at Wilderness Trail is that no one is judging you for how you look, act, believe, or where you come from. Everyone’s focus is on putting one foot in front of the other. The things that we care about in our everyday lives melt away to reveal the thing that matters most: connection with each other and with God. Flynn Dunnuck (12th grade) said, “this is church... being out here under the stars and in the woods is where I see God.”
In the season of Advent, like on Wilderness Trail, we are reminded to slow down, abandon worldly distractions, and find peace in Jesus Christ. We are called to look for the unexpected, take notice, and testify to what we’ve seen and heard. Jesus’ question challenges us to think about why we seek God and what we’re willing to notice. Whether we seek out a wilderness experience purposefully or are going through a spiritual wilderness, God shows up in the stillness of the trees, the perseverance of climbing a steep incline, or the laughter of friends around campfire. Taking notice of things like these opens us up to finding God not just in the mountaintop moments but in the ordinary acts of encouragement, teamwork, and reflection.  

This Advent, reflect on the ways that God has met you in the wilderness. How has God settled your aching heart and troubled soul? How have you found peace in the wilderness of hurricane relief?
Prayer: God of the wilderness, you invite us to step outside of our routines and into easy rhythms that bring us closer to you. Thank you for the gift of sacred spaces where we can slow down and listen for your voice. When we set out in search of you, help us to let go of our expectations and be ready to see you in unexpected places. Bless the youth who journey into the wilderness and guide their steps as they learn to trust and rely on you. May we remember that you are always present, calling us to seek and find you. Amen.
Action: Put down your phone and take a walk. Don’t scroll social media today and notice how your body feels when not inundated with stimuli. Find God in the wilderness. Bring flowers or winter greenery into your home. Light a candle. Support the youth ministry’s summer fellowship fund and sign up for next summer’s hike!

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