Advent Day 13 – Peace – Habitat for Humanity

December 13, 2024 – Peace – Habitat for Humanity

Building Justice, Building Peace
Amos 8:4-12 
“Hear this, you who trample on the needy and bring ruin to the poor of the land.” (Amos 8:4)

The prophet Amos does not mince words. He speaks out against those who exploit the poor and use dishonest practices to enrich themselves. His words, though written thousands of years ago, feel alarmingly relevant today. Inequality persists, and the most vulnerable often bear the heaviest burdens. In our recovery from Hurricane Helene, we have experienced this intimately. Yet, Amos offers us an opportunity to reflect on what justice requires of us as God’s people.

Advent is a season of waiting and preparation, but it is not a passive wait. As we anticipate the coming of Christ, we are called to actively participate in God’s work of justice and restoration. Amos reminds us that worship without justice is hollow. To truly prepare for Christ’s arrival, we must align our lives with God’s heart for the poor, marginalized, and oppressed.

Habitat for Humanity embodies this call to justice through its mission to provide affordable housing. Andy Barnett, the Executive Director of the Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity, spoke to our congregation this past Sunday and said this,

“Habitat for Humanity exists to put God’s love into action. The founders understood God’s love to be an inclusive love and was best embodied when we work together toward a scriptural understanding of economic justice. Housing is not just a basic human need but a pathway to addressing poverty and racial injustice. Habitat welcomes the dispossessed and the privileged as equal partners in building homes, communities, and hope.”

A safe and stable home is foundational to human dignity, yet many lack this basic necessity. By building homes, we are not just constructing physical structure but also creating spaces where hope and community can flourish. Each hammer strike, each nail driven, becomes an act of defiance against the forces of injustice that Amos condemns. In building homes and helping families find stability, we declare that we are listening to God’s call. We reject exploitation and choose compassion. We refuse to trample on the needy and instead lift them up.

Prayer: Generous God, you provide for us abundantly, and we thank you for the gifts you have entrusted to us. Teach us to give as you give, not reluctantly but cheerfully and with love. Bless the work of Habitat for Humanity and all who labor to provide homes for those in need. May each nail driven and wall raised be a testament to your care and compassion. Amen.

Action: Join the Faith Build today in Arden. Meet at 830am and be ready to help build a house. Need the location? Text Mary Brown! Continue supporting Central’s partnership with Habitat for Humanity and volunteer for more build days. Robin Smith will gladly help you.

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